

von Ανθή Σανταμούρη -
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English( Mrs Anthi)

ClassworkWe started working on a project about Drones. Discussion about what a drone is and the various uses of it in our life.1. Helping the Earth and animals. 2.Helping farmers. 3. Delivering things.4. Helping in emergencies. 5. Making movies and taking photos.

Homework: Propose a solution for the following situations. How would you plan your mission if you had a drone? What would you do? Write down your ideas in your notebook. 

Κάθε group έχει αναλάβει μία αποστολή. Έχουμε πει σε ποιο group ανήκει κάθε μαθητής. Δε γράφουμε έκθεση αλλά ιδέες. Οι μαθητές που απουσίασαν λόγω πρόβας ανήκουν στις εξής ομάδες. Καραγέωργας Group E  Καφούρου  Group D, Αποστολάτου  Group F,  Σταθοπούλου Group  F, Γεννηματάς F, Βρούτση Group B,  Μαραγκάκης Group A, Κούρτης Group  F

Group A Disaster Relief Mission.

Scenario: A natural disaster has damaged roads and isolated a village cutting

off their supply of food and water.

Group B. Developing a new public park.

Scenario: A city plans to develop a new public park.

Group C. Helping farmers.

A farmer needs to monitor the health of crops across a huge farm.

Group D. A Rescue mission.

Scenario: A hiker is lost in a dense forest with rapidly dropping temperatures.

Group E. Film production.

Scenario: A famous Hollywood director wants to make a movie.

Group F. Wildlife conservation.

Scenario: Endangered animals in a large national park are threatened by poachers.

English (Ms Vicky)

In class : We spoke about Brazil and introduced the main characters of the book we are going to be reading this week "Expedition Brazil".

Homework :  Search the internet and find some information on Sao Paulo, the first city our new friends are going to visit. You don't have to bring your other books  this week, only the reader and your notebook.

Ιστορία: Δεν προχωρήσαμε. Τα ίδια καθήκοντα. Την επόμενη Παρασκευή (12/4) διαγώνισμα στα κεφάλαια 15,17,1,2 μόνος στις παραγράφους που σημειώσαμε.

Μαθηματικά: Παραμείναμε στο ίδιο κεφάλαιο. Έως αύριο να έχουν ολοκληρωθεί οι ασκήσεις 1,2,3,4,5,8.

English( Mrs Eleni)

Classwork: started drones project and we will finish it on Friday.

No homework - Test Unit 4 tomorrow 

(Επεξεργασμένο από Ελένη Βρόντου - αρχική υποβολή Wednesday, 3 April 2024, 9:25 AM)